So here I am...unemployed. It's been a couple of weeks now, and it's still kinda weird not having to get up and actually BE anywhere, and I keep thinking someone from the park is going to call with a problem I need to fix, or to tell me that I need to come to work. I guess that will wear off eventually. In the meantime, I've been working on the house, simultaneously trying to move in (our stuff is scattered between the house, a storage building, the garage, and the trailer), organize, set doors, install trim, do laundry, and fix supper. I don't even want to THINK about's sneaking up like a massive red and green monster. So much for taking some time off.
Since I don't have a whole lot to report this blog (that and I'm just plain tired), I thought I'd finally add some pics from mine and Marden's anniversary trip to the Smokey Mountains. Enjoy!
Here's Marden posing next to a battlefield cannon at Lookout Mountain, if you remember, the first stop on the Illustrious Anniversary Trip.
And me, high atop a monument (I forget which one - there were a LOT) on the Chickamauga battlefield.
Don't ever joke with Marden about fall leaves. As you can see, pretty colors are a subject he takes very seriously. This was the beginning of our near disasterous hike to Ramsey Falls, before the rain, before the blood, before the dark...
BIG tulip trees on the Ramsey Falls trail.
The Hermitage, home of Pres. Andrew Jackson. VERY worth the trip...probably the most awesome historic site I've ever visited.
Marden and I posing with the Dolly Parton statue on the square in Sevierville, TN. You know how many statues have a shiny nose due to people rubbing it for luck? Well, Dolly's statue had another "lucky spot", which Marden was sure to make the most of.