Thursday, October 22, 2009

Buffalo Float

It stopped raining and warmed up a couple days this week, long enough for a beautiful day of floating the Buffalo river with some friends. This was the first time in years I've been in a canoe, since I much prefer my kayak. A canoe is so much work and so much more unstable and less manuverable than a kayak, but this time circumstances made dealing with a canoe easier. Luckily Daryl and I were able to remember how to canoe enough so we didn't dump and made it appear as if we knew what we were doing.

With all the rain this year, we had plenty of water and for once didn't drag over the shoals, and we shared the river with only a small handful of other floaters and fishermen. Without a doubt, this was one of the best days I've spent on one of my favorite rivers.

Ready for launch...
Daryl at the stern of our canoe, with his Michael Jackson glove.
A dab of fall color.
Alan, Daisy, and Yvonne. Alan plays a heck of a mandolin, Yvonne the bass and autoharp. Daisy just listens.
Raccoon tracks.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Chewing Gum Fail

I consider myself quite the chewing gum connoisseur, and I while I'm not steadfastly loyal to one brand, I do particularly enjoy Orbit gums. You may have noticed the same trend as I have of late of outlandish and wacky sounding gum flavors appearing on store shelves. At first I was tempted by these new taste sensations, but after Orbit Sangria made my stomach flop around like a dying guppy I decided to stick with the old standby of some kind of mint or cinnamon.

However, hubby had yet to learn this lesson. At a recent gas station stop, he picked up Orbit Maui Melon Mint. I thought I'd give it a try, since it did have the word "mint" on the package.

We each popped a piece in our mouths and chewed. Marden summed up the taste in one astute statement, "Tastes like I'm eating Noxema!"

That's EXACTLY what it tasted like. And no, we don't go around tasting facial cleansers. But we've all had the experience of washing your face, and a little bit gets on your lip, and your first reaction is to go, "Pwaaahaaahwaaaaaaaaaaa!" That's Maui Melon Mint. I wonder if it also prevents blemishes?
And not only does it taste like facial cleanser, but it's the gum that keeps on giving. The next morning when I opened the door, I was immediately brutally assaulted by a rotten-fruit stench. On my mission to find the ginormous over-the-hill mangotangerinepineapple that must surely be stuck somewhere, I found the gum...the rotten stench emanating from within it's seemingly harmless package.

Yup. I don't care if it means I'm boring or an old fogey. I'm sticking with plain 'ol doesn't-stink-up-your-car-or-make-you-puke mint or cinnamon.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Good Freaking Grief

Again, I must ask the question...when exactly did we start collectively losing our minds? This morning during my morning cup of coffee I nearly dropped my cup when I heard the story that hopefully you've heard by now. Six-year-old Zachary Christie, who was so excited about joining the Cub Scouts, took his combo knife/fork/spoon to school to use at lunchtime. As a result, he was expelled for bringing a "weapon" to school, and now must attend reform school. Here's the story you can read for yourself:

And, here's a link if you think this is just as much ridiculous idocy as I do:

You know, I'm not THAT old. I can't believe things have changed SO much just since the 90's. I vividly remember our school parking lot full of farm trucks, complete with gun racks - and guns IN the racks. I remember once in history class, the teacher had recieved a box containing new books, and she asked who had a pocket knife she could borrow. Nearly everyone in the room offered her one. How have we come to this point?

How far will we go?

Monday, October 05, 2009

Congrats Caveman Cuisine!

A few years ago, my cousin Chad decided to take up bbq-ing. Not just your average Joe backyard grill bbq - this is some serious no-holds-barred-bbq-sauce-in-your-face competition bbq-ing. Soon, Caveman Cuisine was born (cue lights and angels).

I'd never known Chad to be a real Maestro in the kitchen, so his bbq dream came as a bit of a surprise to me. Surprise which turned to drooling awe after the first bbq sauce smeared taste. And, over the past few years, his bbq has only gotten better, with tender brisket, beyond tasty chicken, perfect pulled pork, and my favorite - ribs that you don't even have to chew - they just magically float from the plate to your mouth to your very happy tummy. As Grandpa would say, Chad's bbq is "larrupin'".

This past weekend Chad and crew, with smokers on their log cabin kitchen trailer in tow, headed up to Kansas City to the American Royal BBQ Competition Invitational, one of the most prestigious bbq competitions in the world, to stack their meat up against 123 other teams. Chad walked away victorious, with...drumroll... Reserve Grand Champion. They took 1st in pork, with a perfect score of 180, and 13th in brisket. For Sunday's open competition, out of 473 teams, Caveman Cuisine took a very brag-worthy 54th.

I'd like to say my slammin' logo design had a hand in the win, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it was actually the food. Congratulations Chad, Nicki, Brett, Cole, Jodie, and BJ!

By the way, I'm always available for a taste test...

Friday, October 02, 2009

Yay China!

This week marked the 60th anniversary of the rule of Communism in China, which was celebrated by lighting up the Empire State Building in red and yellow. This caused numerous human rights organizations - such as Human Rights Watch, who has offices in the building (as well irking many Americans who are still paying attention), to exclaim, "say WHAT?!?" due to this political party's tendency to um...deny people basic human rights. But, even though communism is the antithesis to the American ideal, a classic American icon is lit up in China's colors to celebrate. Of course, they do own us now. Hooray! So put on your ultra-cool Che shirt, read up on Marx, and give a salute. It's good practice.