Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Aaaaaaad....I'm back

So sorry for all you out there just biting your nails waiting for the next post. :) Well, I've been out of pocket as of late...December is a busy time for park stuff. Week before last was the Gift Show at DeGray, and last week was a preliminary training for prospective park gunslingers, of which I am one. January 7th I'll have to report to ALETA (that's the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy for those of you not in the know) along with Kendra and Travis for 3 long months, after which we'll be officially qualified to stand around with arms rested on gunbelts, slugging down donuts, and yelling Park Rangery stuff like, "FREEZE! Put your hands where I can see them, and get the DOG on a LEASH!"
This past week was a park training so we can become more familiar with our park-issued weapons and to be sure to pass the shooting course at ALETA. And I'm VERY grateful for the pre-ALETA training...I can't imagine what it would be like to get down there and slapped on the shooting range, thinking, "what the crap is this???"

I'm happy to say we all did well...if the park system is ever attacked by cardboard man-silhouette targets, the parks will prevail.

1 comment:

Lena said...

Are they only going to give you one bullet???????????

Tried to send you an email, but did not go through. I have updated my blog!