Saturday, September 08, 2007


I can hardly believe my eyes, but we've had a RAINY week! I nearly forgot what droplets from the sky looked like, and now my plants are a slightly less severe shade of brown. I'm afraid there's no real hope for them, though. I'll just have to start all over next spring when we're FINALLY moved into the newly renovated Hooter Manor.

We're still remodeling...the floor is going down now, and will probably continue to do so over the next few weeks. My job is trim and interior doors. I never dreamed when we bought the place that we'd end up doing so much work to it. I'll be SO relieved when this project is complete...remodeling is extremely hard on both the psyche and the bank account. By now I'm sure Mr. Hooter thinks he married a crazy lady. I'm not so sure he'd be wrong.

Here's some very low-quality pics of our work in the master bedroom and living room...notice a lovely absence of white walls. I hate white walls...they make me feel as if I were in a hospital room or, more aptly, a psych ward. We went with trendy colors...colors that we'll no doubt enjoy now, but in 20 years wonder what in the world were we thinking. And no doubt colors our future kids will gag at. Oh well...I'm extremely happy with them now, and that's what counts.

In other news...Lucy continues to do well as a tripod. Matter of fact, she's doing so well that I really don't know why God bothered to give dogs 4 legs anyway. She's definately back to her old self. Last week she even took a headlong plunge into the pond across the road from the new place and did a few laps. I was wondering how she'd do swimming without a 4th leg. To my surprise, she does not swim in constant circles nor does she tip over. While I was pretty dusgusted at her choice of swimming holes, and she came back sporting the fragrance of cow manure, it was good to see her swim. We took care of her odor problem by engaging in another of her pre-injury activities - standing in front of the garden hose. I'm looking forward to having some time again to take her swimming at the lake. For that matter, I'm looking forward to taking MYSELF swimming at the lake!

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