Thanks to the addition of a seasoned hunter to our team, we are now enjoying prime mullets from the high country. Hannah from Colorado has been working overtime with these top-of-the-line captures and shows she has the moxie to run with the big dogs of mullet hunting glory.
First is a doozie of a "helmet style" Femmullet, captured surprisingly out of what could be considered normal femmullet habitat at this popular eatery. Hannah makes a first capture from a distance, but later goes for the gold and is rewarded by this extremely nice close-up. Femmullets are known to be a bit on the aggressive side, but Hannah has no fear as she goes for it all on this shot.
Hannah shows her mullethunting experience here, as the "helmet style" can be a bit deceiving, especially if seen from the front, where they can apppear almost as a normal hairstyle. But seen from the back? It's ALL party...
Second, we have an extremely rare Asianmullet. Protected only by a thin sheet of glass and under the slight cover of a transparent blind, Hannah and Trent teamed up for this one-of-a-kind capture. Fortunately they were able to escape not only with their lives, but with a trophy mullet capture worthy of the recordbooks.
Next, we have a FINE Westernwear Mullet! I was present during this capture, but alas, my mind had escaped into the world of western fashion, and I was oblivious to such a fine mullet in my midst until it was brought to my attention. This brings to mind an important reminder to be EVER VIGILANT, no matter what the circumstances. Even when faced with some really cool boots that one might not really need. In addition, due to my distracted state, I was only able to make the distance catch. Fortunately, Hannah kept her wits about her and was able to make this up close caputure, wisely from the back as to not alert the mullet to her presence. While not the most flamboyant, this mullet is more subtle - showcased in fine western wear, closely clipped to seamlessly accomodate a cowboy hat. This is a more down-to-earth, laid back species which does not put on airs with fancy hair color. This mullet definately at home, home on the range.
Whoa - did someone lose a hair-band member??? Finally, we have one of our finest, if not THE finest, mullet capture to date. This has to be the creme de la creme. Or however you spell that. As you can see the magnificence of this mullet has dumbfounded my own senses. This ultra-flamboyant plummage was spotted at his place of employment, which is also a well-known mullet hot-spot - Walmart. Notice the pride this mullet displays. He is out there, and he is proud. And he is poofy. This is no wallflower mullet. Notice how he aggressively grabs the attention of surrounding Walmart patrons. The lady on the left is absolutely awestruck not by the fresh cuts of meat, but surely by the tall flowing amber waves before her. This mullet is showcased by some pretty "rad" duds, too...tight tee with rolled sleeves, military style pants, and the "cherry on top", if you will, - the knee-high leather boots. This mullet is rockin' like it's 1989.
Remember hunters, we STILL have plenty of open season left for Mullethunt '07! Wherever there is "Business in the front, party in the back", there should be a hunter not far behind!