Friday, August 14, 2009

Healthcare Reform Bill Link

I've had several people ask me if I knew where to find the actual Healthcare Bill currently being proposed so they can read it, so it's posted at the end of this blog.

And if you know me, you know I just can't keep my mouth shut or my keyboard quiet. Lately I've been absolutely APPALLED by the assault on our first amendment rights by the media and the current administration. It's constantly being suggested that anyone opposing this bill are "nutjobs" and "unruly mobs" and that they just need to shut up and let this thing pass. Um...excuse me, but don't the politicians work for US? Since when can we not question them??? And I'm sorry, but according to current polls, over 50% of Americans think this is a bad idea.

Rasmussen poll page: are the protests not representing a significant portion, if not a majority, of American's concerns? As far as "angry mobs", I've seen none. I've seen angry American citizens conducting themselves in an appropriate manner, and with the exception of a few people shouting at politicians (which is not appropriate, but could hardly be called "mobish"), citizens have conducted these debates much more orderly than say...the left when amnesty was being discussed. I seem to remember seeing flaming trash cans, vandalized property, and yes...truly angry, yelling mobs.

Here's the complete bill. Read it, and be informed.

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