Oh no! She's at it again...airing her political opinions. Give me a second to get up on my soapbox.
There are so many things to write about these days...so many things making me want to stick forks in my eyeballs out of frustration. I feel the need to explain myself...why does this stuff matter to me so much? Because I, like many Americans these days, feel more and more helpless, without a voice. We feel a strong, very visceral, feeling that our Republic is being changed right under our noses, our personal freedoms just about to be trampled, and most of us are too ignorant to see what is happening.
My desires are simple. No matter what political party, I simply want politicians to follow the Constitution, remember we are a
Republic, and stay true to the expressed desires of the American people....and that hasn't been happening. For a WHILE. Our current administration doesn't get all the blame. In the past I've played into partisan politics, but I've seen the error of my ways, and I've officially resigned from the Republican party, for good unless they return to the principles I
thought they stood for, and please - quit with the corruption.
All of a sudden, things seem backward. Marxism isn't viewed as being so bad. Socialism...hey, it works some places...we should try it here! We have politicians calling regular Americans standing up for a cause they believe in ugly names, not answering direct questions, while a congresswoman stands up and actually says that Fidel Castro is a great leader, and he's done "so much" for the Cuban people. Um...did you ask all the Cubans who are leaving all that greatness to float over to the U.S. in a raft? Michael Moore has a new movie vilifying capitalism - the very system that made him rich. When exactly did we all start losing our minds? We had an avowed Communist activist in the White House as "Green Jobs Czar", or, a special advisor to the President if you prefer. When did this become ok? Van Jones did resign of course, but all the media could talk about was how he called Republicans "a**holes", and how he's a "9/12 Truther." Um...that shouldn't have been the issues causing resignation...I myself have referred to Republicans in similar terms lately, and I also have questions about 9/11, though maybe not as far-reaching as the Truthers. How about...um...HE'S AN AVOWED COMMUNIST. Not to mention all the unsavory audio/video about changing our system, spreading the wealth, etc. Marx would've been proud. How did this guy make it into the White House???
Then, healthcare. The Pres says the debate is over, and we need to act. Huh? Do the millions of Americans who put the brakes on the bill not get a voice anymore? It's not like the Repubs and Blue Dogs are standing in the way just because they want to throw in a monkey wrench...there are a few actually LISTENING to their constituents. As it should be...as our system was designed. Unfortunately, so many in office now are of the same opinion as Bill Mahr...that we're too stupid to see what's in our best interest, and just ram it through already. Never mind the will of the people. Never mind that the politicians work for US, not the other way around. Never mind massive debt. Never mind that we have a healthcare system that CAN work if we tried some tweaks (Tort reform, interstate competition, tax breaks, vouchers, etc) - not the sweeping, massive changes being suggested....and you can't convince me these changes won't lead to more unsustainable debt (just ask the non-partisan CBO - Congressional Budget Office), and eventually socialized medicine. The words "I'm in favor of a single-payer system" came out of President Obama's mouth just a couple years ago, and so far he hasn't stated he has changed his mind. Republicans have offered no less than 35 reform bills just this year to the President, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, none of which have even gotten a hearing, and yet the President continues to say his opponents have given no alternatives to his proposed sweeping changes.
Then of course there's the cost - $900 billion. That's $900,000,000,000 proposed. Never have cost estimates on heath care been accurate - they are always at least doubled. Even Bush's Medicare Part D has blown away all cost estimates. Again, ask the CBO.
And the facts about who is for these changes keeps getting SOOO skewed, it's hard to know what's truth. CNN ran a poll the day after President Obama's healthcare speech, showing that 75% of people thought it favorable. At the bottom was fine print stating that of those polled, 45% were Dems, 17% Repubs. Think you can get a fair poll that way? No, but you can sure fool folks not reading the fine print.
Government keeps getting bigger and bigger, with more of a hold on the people. For any of you who are fans of big government - ever thought about how BAD big government might be when the party you oppose has the power?
We have a great country, a beacon of freedom for the world. It's my personal opinion that we really need to pay attention, consider what's being proposed, and stand up when we don't feel it's right. Republican, Democrat, or Independent...we all have so much in common we CAN agree on. But hey, I'm just a "nutjob", a "Tim McVeigh wannabe" who is "running around in a white sheet." Those ugly words were all heard on "unbiased" network news, by the way.
Today a bunch of regular Americans are marching on Washington to make their voices heard. Who knows if they will be. A significant chunk of our population is increasingly feeling alienated, ignored, and marginalized. Likely they will be ridiculed and mocked by the media, and possibly politicians also. They'll be called ugly and unfair names. They'll be the butt of jokes for late-night comedians. Regardless, I wish I could be with them...just a crazy nutjob looking for accountability from her elected representatives and government.
By the way, rebuttals are welcome. Someone prove me wrong. All I ask is for no name-calling - only the facts please.