Saturday, February 27, 2010

Eagle Nest

This is a bald eagle's nest here locally on Lake Norfork. I drive by it every time I go to town and make a point to at least glance in it's direction, if I don't stop along the side of the road to watch the goings-on. Sometimes there's nothing much to see, but some days I get lucky and can view both prospective eagle parents, sometimes just one, going about their eagle business. They seem unfazed by people stopping to watch.

It struck me the other day as I was driving by that maybe I was taking this pretty wondrous opportunity to keep tabs on an eagle's nest for granted. Not everyone gets to see an eagle's nest every day and the thought "blog fodder!" crossed my mind, so I grabbed my camera and snapped a pic. The mama is sitting in the nest, though you can't see her due to distance and angle - you'll just have to trust I didn't take a picture of a sparrow's nest. The nest is so massive usually all a person can see is her head poking out.

Dad and I set up his spotting scope last year to take a peek, and sure enough - she was there, her eye glaring a hole in us as if to say, "If I weren't busy with eggs at the moment, I would gladly fly right down there and rip your face off."

1 comment:

The Truck Guy said...

This post deserves a comment... Just because. :-)