Saturday, February 03, 2007

Handcuffin' Fun

Oh, quit with the dirty minds...

Week 4 is DOWN! I can't believe I've made it through a whole month of Aleta...only 2 more months to go. Ugh. I don't like reading that. I realize my blog has been pretty boring of late, but my life has been pretty one-dimensional, being stuck in Camden.

The academy, however is turning out to be what Marden has called "an interesting study in sociology." When you put over 80 people together in a stressful situation, interesting things happen. Manners have pretty much gone out the window...I've heard more bad language, burping, and farting than I care to in the rest of my life. Well, except farting...that's pretty funny. Every morning we do PT at 5:30, and the "morning poots" hit, especially durning situps. We're lined up by squad, laying on the floor in neat rows, and the instructor calls "UP!", and it promptly followed by a resounding "BLBLUUUUURRRRRRPPPP!!!" of the morning poots. Luckily I haven't joined in the chorus, but the way things are going (along with the food we've been subjected to), I may lose any leanings toward ladylike behavior that I've been holding on to...however, it doesn't keep me from laughing. Hey, at 5:30 a.m., you have to have something to laugh at.

This week we covered lots of unsavory info which I won't go into, which made the week even more stressful than usual. Tensions between students is running pretty high, which is probably to be expected with the "diverse" personalities, and the subject matter of the lectures probably didn't help matters. But by Thursday we were doing practicals and actually up and doing stuff. The best (and worst) part was more lessons on handcuffing. We started with a handcuffing relay between squads, which my squad won, and we supervised the losing squad in pushups. After that, we learned what to do to a suspect we've handcuffed, who decides to act squirrely once you get one cuff on. The response to a squirrely suspect with one cuff on is to keep hold of the thumb and the cuff, and yank the bad guy out of his/her boots to the ground. OUCH. This was fun as long as you weren't the bad guy, but unfortunately, we had to take turns. Kendra and I were partners for this excercise...Kendra told me "if someone is going to kick my ass, I want it to be you." We both got our respective asses kicked. I think I had Kendra airborn a few times, and she gave me rugburn on my chin. Check out the results on our wrists!:

This is mine on the top (no, not broke, just swollen and slightly misshappen), and Kendra's wrist on the bottom.

I think most of the damage on my wrist was actually inflicted by the instructor, who used me as an example in a demonstration. I ate flooring on that one. After the first session of being slammed to the floor, we quickly found some athletic tape. The next session was not only throwing your partner to the ground, but sitting on top of them with their thumb and arm at an extremely uncomfortable angle and handcuffing the other wrist, then making them sit up, then stand. This resulted in a menagerie of ugly bruises to numerous bony prominences of the body.

Next week is Accident Investigation, and I THINK, if i remember right, that it's also the week we get sprayed with pepper spray. It's either this next week or the week a way I am dreading it, and in another way I just want to get it over.

I'm outty for today...have a wonderful week!!!

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