Thursday, August 16, 2007

Big Bag 'O Socks

If you ever find yourself in need of a Bag 'O Socks, Walgreens is your store. I don't know HOW many times I've been sitting around wishing I had a new Bag 'O Socks. If you'll look closely, they also come in pink. What more could a person want?

I mean, besides a car with a good transmission???

Well, I have returned from what has to be the worst vacation. Ever. When did vacations go from being relaxing fun-filled getaways to stress-filled work-a-thons? When we bought a house, that's when! I figured in the nearly two weeks I had off we'd come close to completing at least part of Hooter Manor, but alas - no. Everything that could go wrong basically did, and that along with having to come back and work two days in the middle of my "vacation" because we don't have enough staff coupled with Marden's grandpa passing away - in plain sucked.

My time off did have one bright moment - when we decided to go fishing for a day. I had a major struggle burying the guilt of spending a day at the river instead of working on the house, but luckily I got over it enough to go along. By the time I was standing waist-deep in the cold stream, attached my favorite summertime fly (black beetle size 16), and had hooked my first trout, all cares had melted away and I was, for the first time in MONTHS lost in the moment, totally relaxed. I've since determined that I need a solid week of trout fishing, thinking of nothing but what fly will work best and hearing nothing but water, birds, and wind in the leaves.

Fat chance that happens anytime soon! Our lives lately have been nothing but go, go,, drive, drive. Isn't it supposed to be fall soon???

1 comment:

Lena said...

Damn, girl,
So sorry about Marden's pa. You need some more vaca,,,,,