Thursday, August 02, 2007

Dog Days

Whew...I think I detest August more every year. We ushered in August with incredibly hot temps, hazy skies, and still no rain. My flowers, despite watering, have been fried to a golden crisp...and they looked so GOOD a month ago!

I'm officially 5 days from vacation! I'm so excited, even if I'm doing nothing but working on the new house, at least it won't be spent at the park, which as of late has felt like my arch-nemesis. You know it's time for a vacation when you stall in order to get to the office at the last possible second before getting in the car to go to work....then when you get there, pause dramatically to give a scathing scowl to the building before going in. Throughout the day, said scowl grows in intensity as it's aimed at paperwork, the computer, and any other unsavory piece of equipment or task. If I were a superhero, deadly laser beams would be issuing from my eyeballs, destroying everything in their path without prejudice.
Luckily people are not subjected to this horrid visage...we have essentially no visitors during this time, mostly because sitting out in a fishing boat under the scorching sun will result in fishermen being reduced to pathetic puddles of goo. In other words - nobody wants to frolic in a park while it's this dang hot. So, the few visitors we do get are heartily welcomed as a way to break up the monotony of the day. The UPS man has taken to shoving packages in the door and running away just to avoid having to have a 20 minute conversation with speak-starved visitor center workers - all two of us. Actually, one of us for this month, as Amy is currently on vacation, and upon her return I will make a hasty vamoose.

It is possible I may be suffering from a work-related malady called "burnout"....but it's just a theory.

In other Hooter news, Lucy is home! She had a successful amputation, and despite the tremendous pain I imagine she's been in, she's now a happy dog once more. The difference is amazing! With her bum leg, Lucy wasn't able to negotiate she's zipping up and down them faster than ever. Also running, playing, jumping...which she's NOT supposed to be doing during her recovery, so I have to keep her confined, but it's just so great having the old Lucy back. I will, however, be very glad when she's healed and done with the giant lampshade collar...she's much like the proverbial bull in a china closet.

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