Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Going Postal

Yes I've been a lazy blogger - guilty as charged. I've been out enjoying the PHENOMENAL weather we've been having for August! I can't believe these comfortable temperatures, but I don't want to talk too much about it for the risk of jinxing the whole deal, and rocketing us back up to more seasonable temps. So I'm zipping it.

Not much has been happening lately in Hooterville. We are continuing to have a snafu with our mailbox. As in, we don't have one, but we want one. Those of you who know our address will know that we currently have a P.O. Box, all due to a measly 1/8th of a mile. It's the ultimate in "retardity." (That's a word I invented while at the Police Academy)

Turns out, in order to get mail delivered to the convenient little box at the end of your driveway, you have to have your box no more than a half mile from the previous box. Our closest neighbor from the road is less than a half mile from us, however, they are both postal employees and do not want a mailbox, since they get their mail where they work in a P.O. box. The next house up the road with a mailbox is just an eighth of a mile too far for us to get mail, therefore, we have to rent a P.O. box, which is NOT FAIR. Why should most people get free mail, and we have to pay? Then I was informed by a good friend and post employee that according to the mail system founder, Ben Franklin, everyone IS entitled to free mail, and if they won't deliver to your house, you get a free P.O. box. But, the PO doesn't want to do this anymore, so they gave us the option to put our mail box at the end of our road. How does that help us? I guess we'd get our mail free, but we'd also have our mailbox out in the middle of nowhere. In this day and age of identity theft? No thanks.

Now I'm not downing our local post office...they're just following regulations, and have been very friendly and helpful. Matter of fact, our postmaster filed a petition for us, but we haven't heard anything. And the rural carrier has been down here a couple times measuring mileage. So if he can come measure mileage, why not just bring our mail???

And people want the government to take over health care?

Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that our petition is approved, and I can dig out the mailbox we already have, install it, and get our mail. And our neighbors beyond us will be able to get mail, too. And all of Hooterville will rejoice.

1 comment:

Han said...

Well, yikes. I really hope they quit being poopsticks and just give you a mailbox. Or free PO box.