Saturday, January 24, 2009

Winter Blues and Blahs

Alright, I admit, I have not made a good blogging start for 2009, but I'm full of excuses! For starters, it's January. Bleah. January is one of my least favorite months, at the risk of offending all the January-lovers out there. Here are some reasons I'm in a funk:

It's cold.

It's ugly brown, because this year we've had an upsetting lack of snow.

Hubby is recovering from hernia surgery, which only solidly confirms my belief that men cannot handle pain gracefully...and now he's getting a case of the grumps, which in turn causes me to aquire my own case of them. So, we grump together.

I'm still getting gardening catalogs, which makes the wait for spring even worse.

Did I say it was cold? That fact alone makes it hard to get out and do anything, even when I don't feel I can take the sight of the interior of the house anymore. What would I do out there, anyway?

I think at this point I'd even welcome a classroom full of beligerent 6th-graders, but alas, the school hasn't recently had a need for subs. I even called to make sure I was still on the list, and they assured me they'd be calling soon. *sigh* Oh well...I'm in this position every January, and I always survive. I guess I should just keep in mind that the joys of spring, and the long warm days are just around the corner. Before we know it, I'll be griping again that it's so hot.


Travis said...

What do you think the groundhog will see?

Han said...

Well, maybe some snow will come with the "Icy Death of 09"? I dunno.

And actually I always disliked Feb more... it seemed bleaker to me.