Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is it spring yet?

We are THANKFULLY still basking in the glow of electricity, and it looks like this time it's going to stick.

Monday night was lost power again. There we were, happily watching TV, Marden browsing a reloading catalog while I was (still) carving on my fiddle back, and BAM - lights went out. I confess, I nearly went into a fit of crying hysterics. I think I'd have been justified, but I resisted the urge. We sat in the dark in total disbelief for a full minute. We both uttered a few " on can do it..." phrases, until we finally gave up the hope and stumbled around to find the flashlights and candles. After calling the power company, we discovered we were indeed "at least out for the night...maybe longer" because "something blew." Indeed. We just didn't have the oomph to go drag the generator back out, hook it up, and listen that that drone all night, so we decided to rough it.

With no television and several hours before bedtime, we were once again forced into old-fashioned entertainment. Like talking. Once we exhausted that avenue, we decided to practice our turkey calls. Hey, I never claimed to be normal.

I'm currently trying to master the difficult art of working a diaphram turkey call, a skill which has eluded me for years. Since turkey season is only a couple months away, Marden figures I'll need to get a good start on practicing my calling...and I could possibly be good enough to actually put it into practice about the time turkey season rolls around. In 2016. Anyone who has followed my blog for a while knows that I'm pretty much near the top of the list of the World's Worst Turkey Hunters. Marden happens to be an unofficial turkey calling wizard, and I - slightly less so. I've just recently been able to keep the thing in my mouth without gagging myself, and have now even been able to make a little noise with it without spitting it across the room or showering whatever is in front of me with spit. Unfortunately my noise sounds less like a turkey and more like a squirrel with asthma and pneumonia.

Thankfully the power came on again Tuesday morning, and it's stayed on. I hope the power company knows what a gamble it takes by playing with people's already frayed nerves...

Is is spring yet?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Is there no end to your many and varied talents?