Saturday, January 30, 2010


It's not often that we a substantial amount of snow here in north Arkansas, but we got lucky this week! Our immediate area had about a foot of the white stuff. Yeah, a lot of people gripe about it, which irritates me. Many Arkansas natives don't want to deal with snow, and the far-north yankee transplants puff out their chests and scoff that no amount of snow or ice could compare to what they had to deal with. I really enjoy snow, even if I am in the minority. I can see how living up north it would get old - the things that makes it so fun here is that #1) a good snowfall is fairly rare, #2) it stops life as we know it, causing a holiday-like atmosphere and a diversion from business-as-usual, #3) it makes me feel less guilty about spending the day curled up on the couch with a book, and #4) despite the fact that (as much as I hate to admit it) I'm in my mid-30's, it's fun to play in and breaks up the mundane blahs and blues of January.

I thought maybe the snow would stay around for a while, but the sun came out today (the day after the snowfall) and started making it stick. So, I took full advantage of abundant sticky snow. I REALLY wanted to take a sled to the top of the great big hill nearby, but unfortunately my mother made me promise "not to do anything stupid"...and sledding by myself, while hubby is stuck in Little Rock, out in the middle of nowhere possibly fits into that category.
Instead I decided to make a snowman...which when finished ended up being a trout.

And here's some snow pics from around the house:

1 comment:

Sarah Shedenhelm said...

I'm impressed with your snowtrout making abilities. :)