Saturday, August 21, 2010

Running Update

It's been a few weeks now since I posted about my newest quest to get in shape through barefoot running.  I'm very proud to say, despite the broiling temperatures, I've actually managed to stick with it.  Running with the Vibram FiveFingers has been hard to get used to, but lots of stretching and a little patience is the key.  I'm now up to a strong two miles, even able to sprint the last tenth.

Best of all - no shin splints!  For me, this is a small miracle.  In addition to no shin splints - no achy knees, and no painful hips.  I've been studying a bit about proper running form, and of course - in years past I've been doing it all wrong.  Running without shoes has made switching to a more "proper" gait easy and natural.

If you visit running forums, you'll see not everyone agrees that barefoot running is all that great.  I agree, it's probably not the answer for everyone, and if you're a habitual shoe-runner already, it's going to be hard to make the switch.  In fact, if you're running successfully in shoes with no issues, there might not be a reason to fix what isn't broken.  I'm just judging from my own success, and for me, I'm not going back to shoes.

My next step - to get off the track and on the trail.  The track is getting boring.


Sarah Shedenhelm said...

Why does the guy in the picture have leaches on his legs?

Ash said...

To make you ask questions. And how do you know it's a guy?