Thursday, September 30, 2010

Best Reality Show Ever

I like to keep a "Best Things Ever" list, and recently I've found a TV show that makes the cut.  If you find yourself with nothing to do at 9:00 (Central) on a Sunday night, turn over to the History Channel and watch Swamp People, which showcases some backwater characters of the Louisiana bayous and swamps as they hunt alligators during the month-long season.  We're addicted.  Perhaps it's our recent migration from country to city that's got us needing a good dose of Ultimate Redneckness, but we're hooked.  Any show that before the opening gives a disclaimer about some images being disturbing really gets my attention.

I'm sure this show offends some sensibilities, offends some anti-hunters, offends those life-long city dwellers who don't realize not everyone lives in an apartment or suburbia, and offends those living in that fantasy world where meat comes from supermarkets and leather comes from a factory.  As for me, it's a very interesting look into the lives of people living on what could be considered the "fringes" of society, who still rely mostly on the land for their livlihoods, and family for their happiness.

In any case, I think it's a good way to pass an hour.

1 comment:

Sarah Shedenhelm said...

I haven't actually watched an entire episode yet, but I catch bits and pieces...wait a minute, I don't need to watch the show...all I have to do is talk to my!