Saturday, September 23, 2006

The most boring day...

So today has been the most boring day of my life. Officially. Consequently, this will be the most boring post. Ever. So I've been sitting here alone in the visitor center all day, it's raining, and not a soul has come in or called. Unless you count Marden. And we don't. I'm so bored I'm wishing for yesterday, when the phone rang off the hook with people wondering about next week's Hunter Ed class. Let me tell you...there are a LOT of idiots who don't need to be running around in the woods with a loaded weapon. SCARY.

Some of the questions I've been asked:
"What if I can't read?" "Can I get my huntin' card without takin' the class?" "Do we need to bring our guns to class?"


1 comment:

Lena said...

girl, just got my computer back on and had my inlaws in town and trying to get these invites out. Good blog