Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mullethunt 2007

Mullethunt 2007 has been heavily underway for awhile now for me and my fellow mullet hunters, and we're off to what looks like a VERY productive season, even more so than Mullethunt 2006. I thought it would be nice to share some of our most noteworthy catches:
This is a distance shot of a SuperFemmullet from the end of the '06 season. We had to be wary with this one, as she appeared highly irratible and a bit agitated. We decided to keep our distance and use the zoom.
We also utilized the team approach, using Marden as a decoy while I steadied the camera on nearby clothes rack.

Unfortunately the sight of the Superfemmullet and the resulting adrenaline rush had an adverse effect Mr. Hooter's brain. I found him in the Christmas section posing as a Potbellied Conehead.
After proper treatment, most notably food, he was deemed fit for more mullet hunting.

This was a very interesting specimen, and our most recent, caught by Travis at a nearby public event, which I like to refer to as "local doings" (pronounced "local do-in's"). Local doin's attract a wide variety of sometimes scantily clothed natives, and mullet sightings are rampant. This possibly one-of-a-kind mullet Travis dubbed "The Possum."

Here's another good mullet of note...yes, this is a RECENT photo, not one from 1986. I believe this is also a Travis catch, and if i remember right, while you can't tell from the photo, in real life it was actually TWO-TONED. What you can see is that this mullet-wearer takes his 'do seriously, going through the meticulous trouble of perming the "business" end.

ALETA put us a little behind on mullethunting, however, we're catching up quick and look to have a banner year. If you'd like to join our mullethunt, or need any tips, let me know! (Please remember to treat all mullets humanely, as many species are endangered.)

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