Friday, June 01, 2007

Pet Pics!

Yes, it's time once again for Pet Pics, where I shamelessly post pictures of our pets the way some proud parents post endless photos of kids. Not that there's anything wrong with kids are just the 4-legged kind. I figure it's been a good 6 months since any pet pics were up here, plus I don't have anything interesting to say, so why not...

Here is Miss Lucy, profoundly described by Mr. Hooter as "a very smart dog with very poor judgement", still confined mostly to the house after her injury a year ago, which is healing - just not very quickly. I think we'll discuss this with the vet on our next visit, not only because I'm concerned, but also because our house frequently exhibits the odour of Bigstinkydog, creating a flurry of activities including bathing Bigstankydog, washing Bigstankydog's bedding, and mopping the floor. Unfortunately for Mom, I don't think Bigstankydog would make a successful candle scent.

And here is Sally. Sally for some reason gets away with murder...could be the cute face or the sad eyes, but it's pretty shameless. Princess Sally is the master of sneaking her way on the second she's absorbed in her own doggie duties, and the second you turn your head, she's on the couch curled up fast asleep (or seemingly fast asleep). Notice here she's made herself at home on my head. I probably didn't care because I was doped up on pain meds...this was the day I cut the crap out of my finger and had stitches.

Sam is still around after 12+ years! Still leaving gigantic hairballs, both shed in clumps and barfed up to step on during the night with bare feet. He's also King of the Litterbox...he can take brand spanking new litter and in 3 seconds have you bagging it up and running for the outdoor trash barrel all with your breath held and face turning alarmingly purple. He also finds it necessary to take food from his food dish and put it in the big communal water dish, where he does nothing but stare at it. I've tried numerous experiments involving moving the bowls far apart, but nothing seems to deter this obsession.

And Amos, with her good buddy Lucy (who has the creepy-eye due to camera flash)...Amos is an outdoor cat who has the run of the park (he occasionally worms his way indoors to visit Lucy). You can't seen in the pic that he has no tail, just a little stub. This causes numerous park visitors, most from cities, to think that they've seen a genuine bobcat.
It's really hard to keep a straight and sincere face (though I do manage - don't want to hurt feelings) when I have to tell a crestfallen tourist that they've seen merely a run-of-the-mill housecat....and that not only are bobcats much bigger, they are not bright orange. At least not to my knowledge.
That's it for the clan...well, except for some fish and my corn snake named Orville. I'll try to get some pics of him up, but he's camera shy.

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