Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Coop De Gras

May I proudly present the Coop De Gras, The Hen Hilton, The Clucker Caboose on it's maiden voyage today. Otherwise known as - my chicken coop, which has been a work in progress and a thorn in my side for what has felt like months, but has actually only been about one month. Actually, I owe all completion to my dad, who came down and helped for a few days. Helped, as in did all the really hard stuff and took it off the track of being a worthless piece of junk to something I don't mind having the neighbors see. :)

The Hen Hilton comes with every fathomable feature I could think of, including extra nest boxes, plenty of access ports, and roosts of differing heights. Hey, nothing's too good for my girls. At least, I'm ASSUMING at this point that they are of yet none show signs of being a rooster. They spent most of the day today in it, but they haven't yet mustered the nerve to go up to the second story. For at least another week they'll be spending their nights back in the garage, but as they get bigger, they'll have access to an electrified yard to get their feetsies on the grass, and to eat up some yummy bugs and grass, therefore producing yummy eggs for us.


Anonymous said...

Your chicks are really moving up to the fine life. Your habitat for the hens is heavenly--high-class for sure. Out of gratitude, your layers will reward you with double yolkers! Mom

Han said...

Hmmm. I'd have to agree, mighty nice! Good work.