Monday, March 03, 2008

My Peeps

Nothing much going on at the Hooter Homestead lately (besides waiting VERY impatiently for spring), which should explain my absence of blogs these past couple of months. I hope you all can be patient! In the meantime, I'm finding that keeping baby chicks in the spare room is a pain, but also pretty entertaining. Their wing feathers are really coming out, and yesterday they started sprouting tailfeathers, which are now about 1/4" long. The "meaties" have voracious appetites...seen here doing what they do best. Pretty much all they do is eat and sleep grow. Already they are twice as big as the "eggers"!

Here's a pic of Team Egger after a hard day of...eating, drinking, pooping, and peeping. I like the Buff Orpington and Rhode Island Red who collapsed in the food dish. The two Auracanas caused a switch in food dispersal shortly after I took this pic, as they have the strong urge to scratch. The two had been standing in the food doing a "scratch boogie", flinging feed to all points of the brooder and beyond making an unholy I've now switched them to the mason jar-type feeders. Few more days and accomodations will be moved to the barn.

Work on the Chicken Hilton continues...hope I can get it done by the time these guys/girls are ready!


Anonymous said...

Should you run into construction problems, you may consult your paternal construction adviser to give you a hand.

Anonymous said...

I'm envious of the two chicks passed out in the food. My dream would be if I was passed out in a big ole thing of nachos. YUM.

Have to say, though, still cant see which ones are the ugly ones...

Lena said...

they are cute!! Stick with the animals!!!

Anonymous said...

Go back to the Jan. 18th and get your phone number off there that someone did you a favor and posted.