Friday, October 10, 2008

Be Afraid...

This is a video everyone should watch before voting. It is Louis Farrikhan endorsing Barack Obama:

I'm very scared for our country lately. America is at a crossroads - we can either submit to governmental control over every part of our lives and become a socialist state, or we can remember the great country our ancestors fought for, and take our country back. Throw off the apathy, and let freedom ring.


Stephanie said...

That is scary.

Anonymous said...

Be so kind as to explain what was scary about that??? Is it scary to you that Louis Farrakhan is endorsing Obama? If so, consider this: anyone can endorse either candidate. Obama can control no more that he is being endorsed by Louis Farrakhan than McCain can control that he is being endorsed by Thomas Robb - the National Director of the KKK.

Think before you blog.