Monday, October 13, 2008

I Think...Therefore, I Blog

Well, I see I rankled some fur by my posting of the Farrikhan video. I'm not going to waste a lot of time on this, because I don't want to risk changing the tone of my blog, but let me clarify why I keep this blog. I keep this blog in order for my family and friends to keep up with happenings at the Hooter Homestead, thoughts that end up making a soup ranging from the main ingredients of everyday silliness and amusing observations, a mullet hunt for good measure, with a little peppering of a few more serious issues. I simply blog, and with the current political winds blowing strong as they are, it's inevitable that some of my own opinion on that front makes it in. I'm no high-powered political analyist...I'm that everyday "Joe Sixpack" that Sarah Palin has been brutalized by the liberal press for being. And whenever I run across a tidbit I think people might find interesting, I blog it.

But, contrarary to "Anonymous", as they so corageously identified themselves so I can't address them by name, I do think before I blog. And let me respond. The video is scary not because Louis Farrikhan endorses Obama - that's a given. Never did I imply that Obama is responsible for who endorses him - that's not the scary part. The scary part to me is what is said...that Obama is referred to as "The Messiah", and basically that he's going to be bringing about the kind of change that a radical Islamist can get behind. THAT is scary. Period.

That being said, I happen to think our choices for president this term are both a couple of boobs. The choice to me is who will bring the least amount of government boobery and jackassery to the country, who can keep us as a country safe, who is best for our troops (and I have several vested personal interests in this issue), and who tromps the least on our personal liberties. I do not want to one day find ourselves prancing around wearing berets and calling ourselves Socialist New France, or worse. There is LOT more I am tempted to say, but I will refrain.

If you anyone is offended by my blog, then don't read it. It's that simple. For everyone else, I look forward to very soon getting back on the track of blogging about fiddle playing and making, pets, husbands, hobbies, and just general amusing life observations.


Stephanie said...

I totally agree with you. A friend of mine is so disgusted with the presidential/political goings-on that she says she's decided to do a write-in vote for Bono for president. I'm not too sure about him, but if I could come up with a viable alternative . . .

Han said...

Yes. I also agree.

Travis said...

What ever happened to "anonymous?"

Maybe they started thinking?