Friday, April 16, 2010

Just Another Racist Extremeist

Today I had another post all ready to go, but then I realized I was being a big fat chicken, already playing into negative media coverage.  Last night I attended the local Tea Party.  According to MSNBC, which I had on while I worked around the house yesterday afternoon, this makes me an idiot, a racist, an exteremeist, and part of a "dangerous fringe" of society who practice in "hate speech" and don't want to pay their taxes.  Hm.

I guess since I'm concerned about more and more entitlement programs on the way - entitlements that have no incentive but encourage relying on government for needs, outrageous spending of our tax dollars (when only 50% of households actually pay taxes), a debt that defies all logic that is going to bite us solidly on the ass, and a lack of concern for governmental spending in the face of that debt, not to mention the fact that we now have a healthcare bill that was crammed through in secret without regard that a majority of the American people were screaming to slow down - I'm all those things MSNBC commentators spouted about anyone dumb enough to attend a tea party.  I guess we're just supposed to sit down and shut up.
Sorry, I just can't.  No matter what the "unbiased media" has to say, I've been to a few of these things now, and have never seen the mob-mentality or rampant racism supposedly present at these gatherings.  Matter of fact, yesterday I met and spoke with Princella Smith, who is running for Congress in Arkansas's 1st District.  The more I hear from her, the more I like her...despite my disagreement one one particular issue, the rest are right in line and for me hold more importance for our country. 

I first heard Princella speak at another, totally unpolitical event, and during a web search to find out more about her views and political stances since I happen to live in this disctrict, I encountered ALL KINDS of real hate speech from people with opposing viewpoints.  Holy cow.  The double-standards are astounding.

This administration has clearly shown that they're not going to take our concerns into consideration.  Isn't that the foundation this country was built on?  Shouldn't thoughts and concerns of a large number of citizens be at least taken into consideration, rather than ridiculed and ignored?  How do you THINK people are going to feel?  Large demonstrations should be expected.  I may not agree with every single issue brought to concern by Tea Party goers, but the real underlying issue, bringing different people from various walks of life and backgrounds together,  is that a growing number of citizens are feeling left out, forgotten, and taken advantage of.

So yup, say hello to your friendly neighborhood extremeist.

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