Recently a reader questioned my avoidance of political posts. I haven't been consciously avoiding commenting on politics - it's been more of a "head in the sand" attitude lately while we've been moving, redoing our house, selling a house, and dealing with all the stresses that come with it. But, rest assured that many of the recent goings-on in politics has my head spinning, and should have every American's head rotating rapidly, whether your preferred animal is the elephant or the donkey.
Unless, that is, you're a Progressive, Marxist, or Socialist...all of which seem to be (most disturbingly) gaining ground as an acceptable alternative to our current system that made America great in the first place. It no longer seems to matter what the majority of Americans want - this administration has made clear that it is going to do what IT wants, when it wants, how it wants, with or without going through the proper channels as mandated by the Constitution. President Obama ran on a platform of transparency and holding government accountable, and thus far he's run an administration behind closed doors, has out-and-out lied, and has put in place policies hidden in "reform" that allows government agencies to operate without accountability. Many more of these policies, and we can officially kiss the idea of "Freedom" and determining our own destinies goodbye.
So many issues today just defy common sense.
The latest thing I just simply can't understand is all the hoopla and angst over the Arizona immigration law. Call me stupid, but I just can't wrap my mind around why there are thousands marching to protest Arizona's attempt to hold the Federal government accountable for the law they're supposed to be upholding, but refuse.
I'm not heartless, as liberals like to call conservatives. I understand why people want to come to this country, and if I were on the Mexico side with a starving family to feed and work across the border, you bet I'd be risking my life to get to the other side. And, I believe they should be able to legally immigrate. Our immigration system definitely needs an overhaul - an overhaul where everyone wins. Immigrants should be able to come and work if they so desire, but we should know who they are. They should pay taxes, have a social security number, and everything that comes with being a U.S. citizen if immigrants expect to have the rights of a citizen, period.
But, what we have on the border is a hostile takeover - not just innocent families trying to make their way to a better life, but drug cartels, gangsters, and human traffickers, even snipers, all heavily armed, literally reclaiming American territory for Mexico. Again, call me stupid, but shouldn't we be defending our territory? Why is this concept so hard?
Other questions I have - would anyone else reasonably expect to immigrate to another country and not be expected to go through certain channels, show documentation, and answer to authorities? I would not in my wildest dreams travel to Australia, refuse to show documentation, and then not expect to be thrown in jail. I would surely not expect to be given free healthcare and other benefits. In other words - I would not in my wildest dreams expect to "fly under the radar" without repercussions in any other country. Why is this expected of the United States? How is this fair to those immigrants who DO go through the proper channels?
When you get pulled over by the police for just cause, do you show your driver's license? That's proper documentation - why are illegals not required the same as legal citizens? As it is now, illegal immigrants in the United States are afforded more rights and services than legal citizens. Why is this even a debate?
If anyone has an answer - without crying "racist!" and "bigot!" - please let me know.
1 comment:
Racist! Bigot! LOL...J/K
Actual Conversation:
Me: I think it is completely disrespectful for foreigners to refuse to learn English.
Moron: Oh really, like you would learn a different language.
Me: Actually, I have been to a foreign country (two now), and I carried around a translator book and did my damnest to not speak English when talking to the locals.
Moron: Psh, yeah right...
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