Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wussing Out

Today is officially day #2 of having no air conditioning.

I'm usually pretty tolerant of hot summers.  We're in the south.  Every summer is hot, some hotter than others, and I try to take them in stride and refuse to incessantly complain about the heat as some do.  The Minnesota/N. Illinois/Wisconsin immigrants that are so prevalent around Mountain Home complained about the weather loudly from May until October to anyone in earshot.  It was always hard not to respond with a suggestion to go jump in the lake.

Now, if I had a lake, I'd definitely be jumping in.  This summer is getting to me.  I'm not sure if it's the sustained heat with no breaks and very little rain, stress, or a combination, but I'm wussing out.  And, it's worse in a trailer - something like sitting in a metal breadbox in the middle of the Mojave.  I don't know how old-timers did it, but they were tougher than me!

Now, excuse me while I go put my head in the freezer.

1 comment:

Sarah Shedenhelm said...

It's not just you...I was thinking the other day that I don't have any memories of feeling this hot! This summer has been miserable, and the stress certainly doesn't help matters.