Wednesday, July 18, 2007

And The Summer Drags On...

So we're deep into summer, hot, hot...humid, humid...did I say humid? I feel at this point like December 1st - my departure date - will never arrive, and I'll be stuck in limbo between two locations forever, and forever too tired to do anything but go through the motions.


So I don't think that I reported that Matilda is now dubbed "Otis", since he is indeed a male. Unfortunately, Mr. Hooter did not utter those , "You were right..." words I was so longing to hear...intead he muttered something like, "Hm! Well isn't that interesting." Not only did we find that he is a male, but apparently nearly ALL orange cats are male, just like nearly all calico cats are female.

And Lucy's ordeal continues...the vet has now decided that her leg should just be amputated and she'll be a tripod. I think it's definately for the best, I just hate that it's coming at the worst possible time ever...what with remodeling a house 2+ hours away, having a gimp husband in a leg boot, and working way too many add nursing a dog? ARG!!!

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