Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Addition and a Loss

Yesterday we added to the Hooter fold - a 1970 Ford 250 truck purchased from (where else?) but Ebay! We've been looking for a truck for a while, and decided this was the one. I have a thing for old vehicles, and since I grew up with a '73 Ford truck, it kind of has a nostalgic twang. Plus we can't even begin to afford a new one. :)

And with an addition comes a loss. We said goodbye to a swarm of bees, which swarmed out of the OTHER hive yesterday. I just wasn't quick enough, and they were on a MISSION. The huge ball of bees flew across the pasture, over the road, and into the wilds of the next property. I may have been able to catch them had I been more willing to sacrifice my body to the ticks and chiggers, but I took my eyes off the swarm to run indoors, apply copious amounts of bug spray and long pants, then run back out. By this time the swarm was long gone...probably swarmed up in what "Beekeeping for Dummies" says is their favorite tree - a cedar. Hmm...there's about a billion just on the hill of the next property. I did spend a while looking, but alas, it was in vain. Just the fact that I was looking for them after my last swarm experience probably says something about my sanity.

Anybody looking this direction for fresh honey better hold out for next year...


Han said...

Oh sad... after all that work too. Darn bees.

Also- love the truck! It looks awesome... good job finding it on Ebay!

Han said...

You should see the movie- kinda different but funny in a suspenseful way. I like it.