Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Annnd...I'm back

So sorry for the delay, but the Hooter Homestead has been kicking my butt! With Mr. Hooter off doing army stuff for another month, I've been soloing on the yard work, garden work, housework, and animalwork...leaving little motivation or inspriation for blogging.

However, I'm back now in writing action. Recently I recieved some inspiration in the form of a minor irritation on a recent visit to the feed store for pig food. While waiting my turn to get my purchase, this character strolled up. I'd seen him earlier strolling the store, shirtless. Now, I know guys can prance around shirtless and unlike women not get arrested, but sometimes I wonder how fair this is. While this guy isn't a fatty, he sure wasn't an Adonis either. I sure didn't want to see his flabby naked hairy belly, yet that didn't stop him from proudly showing it off. I know it's just a feed store, but it's nice enough...kind of like a small Orchelns or Atwoods...nice enough to expect a guy to have some scruples and wear a shirt. Am I wrong? It just struck me as inappropriate and rude.

Maybe I'm just irritable today, which I have every right to be. I'm really tired of getting bee stung! I "worked the bees" yesterday, as you say in beekeeper speak, and one of our hives is extremely irritable for some reason we probably need to fix. I worked the first two hives without gloves, because with gloves I'm a bumbling idiot, and without them I can pull out the frames and inspect without dropping them. On the last hive I paid for the attempt at dexterity. I suppose my hand will now be this fat for a day or two...not as fat as the infamous snakebite, but still pretty darn fat!


Han said...

That hand looks HORRIBLE!!!! Yuck. How long does it take to heal?

Boo on bees.

I also agree with you on the fat man. I have another GREAT iritation to post soon...

Anonymous said...

Have you tried soaking the enlarged hand in ice water for a while? Might help reduce the swelling. Mom

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more about the guy with no shirt. What makes these guys think they're so hot to look at?