Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Kickin' Garden

Ok, bragging time! I'm enjoying the best garden I've ever had...really, the first "real" garden I've ever had. The raised beds are a success! They are booming with produce and practically worry-free from weeds so far. All my garden worries from early spring were for naught, as it usually goes with worries.
Yesterday's harvest of 4 zucchini, 4 summer squash, and 5 cucumbers...and we're just getting started!
Here is one of our bee girls pollinating the cucumbers. The bees have been all over the garden blooms, and I think it's one of the reasons the garden looks so good. Then again, maybe I'm just overly proud.
Here are some chickie pics! No eggs yet, but we're only a month or so away from them...mmmm....


Han said...

GOOD JOB! That looks very professional. You should tell your tomato plants and berry plants to start spitting out fruit for when I come. :O)(I cant remember if you have those??)

bec said...

ok SERIOUSLY? that is your garden? it could kick the ass of any other garden i have seen! major props to you and your vegetable brigade.