Friday, September 19, 2008


AHOY Mateys! Today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day, and here be the offical website:

Ye'll find all sorts 'o tips on talkin' like a buccanneer which can take yer day up out 'o the dulldrums, even if it do make yer dog peer at ye funny, yer neighbors be wonderin' about yer sanity, an yer hubby take it personal like when ye call him a scurvy dog an tell him to get in the galley an bring some rum (a.k.a. coffee). So all ye landlubbers out there hooray the day by swiggin' a pint 'o grog, wearin' an eye patch to work, keel-haulin' yer boss, an finally makin' haste to yer closest Long John Silvers to demand in pirate-speak the Fish and Shrimp Basket Combo!

(I hear the clam strips are quite tasty too)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I just had a horribly fascinating thought. Wonder what it would sound like if you combined pirate talk with Southern redneck lingo? :-)