Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Fiddle Me Happy

Here's a video I found on YouTube of my fiddle teacher, Violet, from about a year and a half or so ago. I was on YouTube trying to find a particular song I'm working on, and found the video from CBS news. She's a firecracker, that's for sure! I hope I'm half as spry when I'm nearly 92.

So far my fiddle repertoire includes:

Faded Love
Angeline the Baker
Come Thou Fount
Fill My Way With Love
Sugar in my Coffee
*For Marden's benefit, we changed the words to "Coffee in my Sugar", after which Violet gave Marden a nice lecture about using so much sugar.
Arkansas Traveler (in progress)

My plan of learning one song a week may be a little over-ambitious. Arkansas Traveler is a doozie, but I'm getting it. Still, it may take me another week to really get it down. I'm pretty sure while practicing today my fingers tangled into a knot, but luckily I got them undone.

Has anyone seen that Snickers commercial where the Hawaiian sings Greensleeves, and then they all join in? Heh. 'Tis a silly commercial. I like it.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I'm impressed! I always wanted to be able to play the fiddle,or the violin, depending on what type of song you're playing :-D. But, I guess I never wanted to badly enough to put the hard work into it. It seems to be just the right instrument to play on the front porch on an Arkansas evening.