Monday, September 01, 2008

This 'n That

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend as we get ready to say adios to summer. Or as I say, good riddance. I must admit I am fickle when it comes to my favorite season. Every year, never fail, it's always the same. Just a few months ago, I couldn't wait for spring. Every September, fall is definately my favorite season...WAY better than spring. Spring is now a mere pleasant memory when compared to all the glories fall will bring. At least until next spring.

Despite my flightiness of deciding on a favorite season, fall does bring some great things to look forward to, such as Chiefs football, pumpkin pie, pretty and crunchy leaves, cooler weather, pumpkin pie, sweatpants, hunting season, pumpkin pie, woodsmoke, impending holidays, and pumpkin pie. Those are just a few I can think of at the moment.

You might notice the new area I added, which will keep my faithful readers current on my team, the Chiefs. I should say "our team", as Marden is now a convert. Let us hold faith that preseason play was a good indicator that they will rise from the stinky ashes of last year's season victorious, or at least not complete losers which last year had me tempted to take drastic measures. I almost...*gasp*...scraped the Chiefs sticker off of the back of my car window. But I'm nothing if not loyal, and my sticker is still proudly displayed.

I'm really looking forward to football season, if for nothing else to have something decent to watch on TV. Lately, I've been absolutely disgusted with television, in particular the news. I wonder if all the people who scoffed at the idea that the media, especially the networks, lean to the left politically are now no longer doubters. Lately, the leanings have been no longer slight leanings but absolutely blatant, and it makes my blood pressure rise. I usually refrain from talking politics on my blog, as I know other's opinions differ from my own, but I can't keep quiet anymore. If you're watching the networks, it's "All Hail Emperor Obama, our savior and messiah", but anything Republican is reported in a negative light. On NBC I just watched Matt Lauer interview a McCain spokeswoman. He worked and hinted and suggested to try to make her say that McCain made a bad choice in a running mate, and maybe he used bad judgement. He was completely negative and wearing his opinion on his sleeve. Unbiased reporter my foot.

What ever your political leanings, any American should be upset at media bias.

It's not only annoying, but downright wrong, and it negatively influences anyone who may be undecided and who only (and unwisely) gets their information from network news. As for me - my TV watching has become limited to two episodes of "The Waltons" in the morning after catching the local news. A responsible voter shouldn't rely on the media for information - find the facts for yourself, and make a decision based on real facts - not someone's opinion being shoved down your throat.

Well, enough of that. It looks from radar that Gustav is still very much together and headed our way with some blessed rain. Looks like we'll get buckets of it, though!


Han said...

Well, I must say that the "chefs" are a better choice than the "raiders"- but come on. We all know who is going to rock the field this year. Broncos!!!

Try not to be too sad.

I still don't know how I feel about Marden converting for the heck of it. I guess it depends who he is converting from.

***I LOVE pumpkin pie too. A lot. Maybe more than any other pie, ever.

Ash said...

Broncos...please. Pansies.

Marden converted from nothing...actually, he said he never paid much attention to pro football, but watched college. I don't pay much attention to college, because as a college athlete myself I had my fill of football players. At least in the pro they're doing their job and getting paid for it, instead of under the table under the guise of "getting an education."


Stephanie said...

I totally agree with you about media bias. I think it's probably one of the biggest reasons for political apathy in America, oh, and political ignorance, too. And you forgot pumpkin bread, one of my all time favorites!