Monday, October 05, 2009

Congrats Caveman Cuisine!

A few years ago, my cousin Chad decided to take up bbq-ing. Not just your average Joe backyard grill bbq - this is some serious no-holds-barred-bbq-sauce-in-your-face competition bbq-ing. Soon, Caveman Cuisine was born (cue lights and angels).

I'd never known Chad to be a real Maestro in the kitchen, so his bbq dream came as a bit of a surprise to me. Surprise which turned to drooling awe after the first bbq sauce smeared taste. And, over the past few years, his bbq has only gotten better, with tender brisket, beyond tasty chicken, perfect pulled pork, and my favorite - ribs that you don't even have to chew - they just magically float from the plate to your mouth to your very happy tummy. As Grandpa would say, Chad's bbq is "larrupin'".

This past weekend Chad and crew, with smokers on their log cabin kitchen trailer in tow, headed up to Kansas City to the American Royal BBQ Competition Invitational, one of the most prestigious bbq competitions in the world, to stack their meat up against 123 other teams. Chad walked away victorious, with...drumroll... Reserve Grand Champion. They took 1st in pork, with a perfect score of 180, and 13th in brisket. For Sunday's open competition, out of 473 teams, Caveman Cuisine took a very brag-worthy 54th.

I'd like to say my slammin' logo design had a hand in the win, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it was actually the food. Congratulations Chad, Nicki, Brett, Cole, Jodie, and BJ!

By the way, I'm always available for a taste test...

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