Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Here We Come

If you're anything like me, you're sitting there wondering how in the WORLD it got to be December already? This year has flown by like a duck with his tailfeathers on fire, leaving me coughing in the smoke and wondering where my time has gone, and why haven't I gotten all these planned projects even started? Ah well, such is life I suppose. Like it or not, while it seems like last week I was canning beans, in a few short weeks it will be Christmas. I've been trying to get myself in the mood. On the way home from Thanksgiving in Missouri to Thanksgiving in Arkansas, I dusted off and popped in my trusty John Denver/Muppet Christmas CD (causing a rather large eye-roll from hubby). Usually that's all it takes to get me in the spirit, but alas, this time it just didn't feel right. Perhaps we will get our tree up in the next few days, and that'll do the trick. Some snow wouldn't hurt, but that's probably asking for too much.

We had very nice Thanksgivings in all our family locations, and I hope everyone else did too. It was pretty awesome to get to see so much family all in one place. It was also pretty awesome to eat so much pie. I hope my butt doesn't revolt and expand to new widths.

And, with the close of the Thanksgiving holidays also came the close of another holiday, modern gun deer season. Hubby and I tried our luck once more before the season closed, but with no results to show. While sitting on a stump, however, I was rewarded with a run-by by two does and a nice pretty buck, but I just watched them pass. Perhaps we will meet again next season, but in the meantime the scene gave me a good idea for a painting.

I aplogize for this boring's been a pretty relatively mundane but relaxing few days. I don't even have any pics to post from Fiddle Day - I am STILL hacking away at the hard-as-a-rock cherry wood I'm using for the back of my fiddle. Once I get the back carved, I have a feeling the sassafras front will be like carving warm butter, assuming my knife survives that long. As far as fiddle playing, I've completed "Down Yonder" and have moved on to the tune of "Red Wing", which is relatively easy to play but very catchy.
I'm still not ready to post a video, though.


Stephanie said...

A revolting butt is a very bad thing to have. :-D

Lena said...

totally burn off the cd for me!! i love it