Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lately I've been substitute teaching at a nearby school for some extra Christmas dough, and to get off The Homestead for a bit. So far I've found the experience challenging yet kind of fun, and also a bit surreal. Yesterday I was walking back to class after lunch, and the bell rang - my first reaction was "Oh crap! I'm tardy!" Funny how even after fifteen years, a sound can cut through common sense and reason and evoke such a strong, yet irrational, reaction.

I did quickly remember that I am in my 30's and was in no danger of tardiness.

In an abrupt change of subject, has anyone else found themselves barraged by Christmas music way before they're ready? I was in Goody's the other day browsing through pants, and I was highly distracted from my task by loud strains of "Have A Holly Jolly Christmas." I swear, every year it's worse. Come on, LEAST wait until after Thanksgiving!


Stephanie said...

Amen about the rush to Christmas. I LOVE fall colors and fall decorations and Thanksgiving but always feel rushed through it by the greed of the merchants. But I guess it's not just the stores. We were coming home last night and I saw one house with the Christmas tree up and lights hanging from the eaves. When it starts this early, I'm sick of it by the time it actually gets here.

I'm curious. What grades are you substituting for?

Ash said...

Hey Stephanie,
I told them I'd take any grade, but the high school and middle school so far have had a monopoly on my services. I did tell them I'd take all the middle school I could (they were very surprised by that) - if I were going to be a teacher, I'd pick those grades for sure.

Han said...

I am actually ALL kinds of ready for Christmas. But I DO agree with you. It really is proper to wait until after Thanksgiving.