Wednesday, November 05, 2008

We Did It.

We have now elected a president with no experience, who spent more on a campaign than any other president with untracable funds, with radical friends, endorsed by enemies of the U.S., and who has questionable ethics on top of Marxist views. Becuase this is still a free country, I can express these views. But for how long?

To keep our freedom, we have to fight. Loss of personal freedoms can sneak up nearly un-noticed, all in the name of "our best interests." I, for one, do not need a Nanny State to take care of me. Our country was founded on the principles of self-reliance, personal freedom, and making our own choices. I'm afraid we have traded these in for a Nanny. I greet this day with much worry and a heavy heart.


The Truck Guy said...

"Silent Majority" now equates to: "Ignorant Young Masses"...

God Bless the USA.

Jodie said...

Amen to Stephanie's "Amen." Been feeling ill all day.

BJ, Cheryl, Ben and Blake said...

I was so sick. Thanks. I'm glad there people out there feeling the same way I do. love ya!

BJ, Cheryl, Ben and Blake said...

I hear you. I was so sick all day. Still don't know what to think. Sure makes me feel better knowing that I'm not the only one.