Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

There are many, many things to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for so many things that it's impossible to list them, but I'll try to list a few: God, hubby, family (both my born-with and married-into ones), home, pets, living in a free country (at least for the moment), and just being blessed with what we need. In a time where it seems everyone is grumbling about the economy, it's a good time to remember that things aren't THAT bad. We can still buy food and clothing. I see people every day still buying luxury items. Jobs are still being advertised in the paper. While the news media is doing it's best to look at the negatives and make us believe that we're really suffering, this is an excellent time to reflect on how lucky we really are, and to think about times in our country's past when things really WERE that bad. There may be rougher times to come, but for now I still go into Walmart and see shopping carts full of Hot Pockets, steaks, frozen pizzas, pastries, specialty coffees, and ice cream. I see the clothing stores full of shoppers still buying expensive clothes and shoes. People are still cramming into movie theaters and buying large cokes and mega popcorns. But like any time in any economy, now is a good time to think of others who maybe ARE in dire straits and need a helping hand - these are not the people buying Pop Tarts and Fruit Roll-Ups and yet still grumbling about how "bad things are", but those who may have lost a job and could really use a donation to the local food pantry. Just a few extra items could really help a family genuinely in need.

I am also very thankful for folks who have a sense of humor, and who post pointless videos like this for us all to enjoy. Smile, and have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

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