Monday, March 22, 2010

Open Wide, America

Today I was hoping to do some kind of cutsey post, but my heart just isn't in it.  As everyone knows by now, the Healthcare Reform bill passed - barely - but it passed, by people who hadn't even read it.  The bill not only covers healthcare, but sweeps into other ares, like education...and who knows what else, but we'll be finding out now that it's after the fact.  Some are rejoicing, and some are not.  Whichever side of this debate anyone is on, EVERY American should be upset in the manner this all went down.  This was EXTREMELY controversial legisation that was shoved through regardless of it's controversy, regardless of the polls, regardless that nobody READ the bill (how unbelievable is that???), regardless that our President promised any healthcare legislation would be with transparency, without backroom deals, broadcast on C-SPAN for everyone to see.  This in reality was a deal hashed out in back rooms, with under-the-table agreements to buy votes, in total secret and in violation of the Constitution - that will affect us all.  The American people, who are supposed to be running the government through their elected representatives (the definition of a Republic), were completely ignored, with the excuse that this was passed instead "for the greater good."  Those words should send a chill up everyone's spine, because that means as long as our elected officials justify acting upon that attitude, it we're no longer in control of our own destiny.
I've heard a lot of people saying, "Well, it's all corrupt, so we might as well get out of it what we can" and "As long as I'm getting free stuff they can do what they want...besides they probably know what's best for us."  That above all makes me saddest.  If we'd gone into this Bill heads-up, eyes wide open, with the American people's wishes, I would concede.  It wasn't anywhere me a fool if you will, but I'm afraid of what's to come if people don't start to wake up.
"These are the times that try men's souls" - Thomas Payne


The Truck Guy said...

If I don't want to pay auto insurance, I sell my truck... If I don't want to pay home insurance, I sell my home... I guess since I don't want government controlled health care it's time to sell my soul... Unfortunatley, my representatives have already done that for me at the cost of my freedom.

Stephanie said...

I totally agree. I do think that there are problems with our Health Care system--how to fix it, I'm not sure. But that's not the issue here. The issue is doing something in a sneaky, backhanded manner. Whatever they do (Democrats OR Republicans), I want them to do it out in the open. Either vote for or against, but don't attempt sleight of hand. It makes me angry. And disgusted.