Monday, March 08, 2010

This Year's Garden

Before I get started here, what do you all think of the new look? I'm forever a sucker for daisies.

Despite not knowing exactly what kind of garden I'm going to get in this year, what with moving right during the most important gardening time and all, I went ahead and started some heirloom tomato and pepper seeds. If we're going to have anything, it's got to be tomatos and peppers, and later green beans.

Side note: I'm incredibly upset by the fact that of ALL the months our move could've fallen in, it's April. I can fudge the garden, but this is also TURKEY SEASON. TURKEY SEASON is a sacred three weeks not to be fooled with, and yet I'm somehow going to have to manage this obsession between toting boxes and painting over horrid nightmare-inducing floal wallboard. I just hope I get to take a few days to sit out in the woods.



I've never had much luck in the past with seed-starting, but thanks to a library book I think I've figured it out. Yes, that age-old lesson - if all else fails, read the directions. We'll see how it pans out. One huge mistake I made in the past was not "hardening off" the plants I'd started, which is getting the young plants gradually used to being outdoors. Instead I took the strong-looking new veggie plants and just plopped them straight into the garden and hoped for the best, which pretty much guarantees a mass plant genocide. As I mentioned some time before - I'm learning as I go.

I have TONS of seeds still waiting to be started, but I'm not sure yet whether to start them this year or wait until next year, when hopefully we'll be settled and I will have decided where to put the garden. Maybe in the coming years my dream of having a beautiful heirloom garden, as well as supplying all my friends and family with seeds and plants born without freaky labratory genetics.

We were informed by the current tennants that we'll be constantly battling the local overpopulated deer herd, who view gardens and flowers as their own personal all-you-can-eat buffet. You'd think if we were going to have issues with deer, it would've been at our current homestead - out in the middle of nowhere. But, I guess the dogs kept them at bay, and of course deer here are a bit more wary. The post deer are used to people not being a threat.

We'll see about that. The first time Bambi snacks on my berry bushes, it's war.


Stephanie said...

I like the daisies. It'd be really interesting, though, if you had a picture of Bambi eating the daisies and you hiding in the background with a big gun.

Sarah Shedenhelm said...

Love the new look!